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日本エチオピア協会 創立45周年記念式典 協会会長・エチオピア大使あいさつ

日本エチオピア協会は1971年4月、当時駿河銀行の頭取でした岡野喜一郎様が外務省から民間でエチオピアとの友好親善協会の立ち上げの話があり、外務省管轄の社団法人として創立されました。 現在、法人、個人会員合計138名を擁する協会となり、本年度は創立45周年を迎えます。 2011年4月、一般社団法人として新たなスタートを切り、法人として社会的な信用を高めながら今後さらに21世紀の目標である「スポーツを通じての日本、エチオピアまたアフリカ諸国との友好親善」を深めていきたいと思っております。 さらに、毎年恒例のエチオピアの夕べ公演会開催など皆様に喜んでいただける、協会作りに取り組んでいきます。 私共協会役員一同は、その責務を自覚し、決意をあらたににして、皆様方の期待に応えるべく努力をしていく所存です。皆様方のこれまで以上のご指導、ご支援を切にお願いもうしあげます。                 一般社団法人 日本エチオピア協会 会長 島田禎之

Message It is my great pleasure to congratulate Ethiopian Association of Japan for its 45th Anniversary. Since its establishment in 1971, the Ethiopian Association has been playing a key role to promote about Ethiopia to Japanese people. On behalf of the Embassy and the Government, I would like to appreciate the good work done by all Association members to maintain a strong and cordial relationship between Ethiopia and Japan for last 45 years. Ethiopia is an ancient country with long rich history and civilization. In addition to be the origin of Human kind and coffee, Ethiopia has 11 World Heritage Sites, both tangible and intangible ones. Moreover, Ethiopia has more than 85 Ethnic Groups with their own distinct languages, cultures, traditions which makes Ethiopia more colorful and unique nation. Ethiopia is one of the founding members of the UN, and the OAU. Ethiopia's capital city, Addis Ababa, serves as the Headquarters of the Africa Union, UNECA and hosts many UN Agencies as well. Ethiopia is one of the fastest growing economics in the world, annually registering an over 10 percent growth rate for the last thirteen years. To sustain the double digit economic growth the Government has already set out clear and visionary long term development policy and plan which aims to push the country to the level of middle income economy in 2025. The Association has been promoting Ethiopia in many ways. Every year the Association organizes an event called “Ethiopian Night” in collaboration with the Embassy. Moreover, the Association also promotes the investment opportunities and tourist sites of Ethiopia to Japanese. The Association has succeeded to build a good image of Ethiopia in Japanese society for a long time which I hope will do more jointly with the Embassy for much more success in the years to come. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to Ethiopian Association of Japan, who has been playing its part for maintaining friendship between two sister countries. I am very grateful for all the efforts done by the Association toward Ethiopia. Finally, I am very much confident to say that the Association will keep playing an important role to be a bridge between Ethiopia and Japan. I can assure you that Ethiopia is very keen to continue and strengthen our cooperation. Happy Anniversary and wish successful cooperation. His Excellency Mr. CHAM UgalaUriat Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

エチオピア連邦民主共和国特命全権大使 チャム・ウガラ・ウリヤトゥ閣下


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